John Olfert

  • John Olfert
  • Date of Passing: March 20, 2025
  • Born: October 15, 1926


John Olfert passed away in Winnipeg on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at the age of 98.

John was born on October 15, 1926 in Steinfeld, Ukraine and immigrated, with his parents, to Canada that same year. John Jr. was the oldest of four children. Sister Marie was next in line followed by Jacob and then Anne.

Marie Klassen is the only sibling surviving John. He was predeceased by his parents John and Margaret Olfert, brother Jacob and his wife Mary Ann, sister Anne and her husband Donald Reimer and Marie’s husband Ben Klassen.

Left to remember John, alongside Betty, are his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren:

Robert and Marion Olfert, Kyle and Jessica and children Brianna and Gabriel.


Dean and Janna and children Emily, Walter, George & Madeline

Candace and Jim Ducharme, Eric and daughter Amelia

Bruce and Reina

Nelson Olfert, Caleb and Holly and children Willa and Wren

Josh and Fiancé Alana


Christine and James Hildebrand

John’s family moved to Steinbach in 1938 after residing in both Sperling and Rosengard.

John was baptized on profession of faith in Jesus Christ on May 20, 1945 at the age of 19 and on October 12, 1952, just two days shy of his 26th birthday, he married Elizabeth (Betty) Neufeld.

John and Betty were married for 72 years and in 2022 they were both still able to enjoy their 70th anniversary celebration with all their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

They made Winnipeg home their entire married lives and lived in many different areas of the city during the ensuing years.

John began working with Reimer Express Lines in 1952 when they began their operations. As Betty proved to be a very proficient household manager and stay at home mom, John was able to pursue his career in the transportation business and held various managerial and executive roles at Reimer Express until his retirement in 1999.

John will be remembered as being unflappable, cool under pressure, self-assured, faithful and genuine. He loved his wife, his family and he loved his Lord Jesus.

The family wishes to extend our heartfelt thanks to the caring and kind staff at the Misericordia Health Centre and the Maples Personal Care home. The staff on the 3rd floor at the Kildonan Extendicare were all so gracious and compassionate, not only with John but with the entire family during the final weeks and days, we cannot thank you enough.

The funeral service will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., at Chapel Lawn Funeral Home, 4000 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, MB., with viewing at 9:30 a.m. prior to the service and a reception following.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. ~ 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Funeral Details

Funeral Service

  • Chapel Lawn Funeral Home
  • 4000 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg
  • Directions: (Google Map)
  • March 26, 2025 - 10:00 am
